
Board of Directors 

Common Ground Alliance (CGA)
1421 Prince Street
Suite 410
Alexandria, VA 22314
Contact: Erika Andreasen Lee
Phone: 703-836-1709
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.commongroundalliance.com
811 Website: www.call811.com

David's Hydro Vac
2320 Leibel Street
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Contact: Jonnie Pangerl
Office: 651-207- 6134
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.DavidsHydroVac.com

Infrastructure Resources
4200 West Old Shakopee Road
Suite 103
Bloomington, MN 55437
Phone: 866-279-7755
Email: [email protected]
Website: InfrastructureResources.net

The Locator School
304 12th Avenue S.
Buffalo, MN 55313
Contact:  Christopher Koch
Phone: (612) 363-6192
Email: [email protected] 
Website: www.thelocatorschool.com

Metropolitan Utility Coordinating Committee (MUCC)
Website: http://mucc.korterra.com

Minnesota Pipeline CAER Association
PO Box 9123 
Wichita, KS 67209
Phone: (877) 966-2237
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.mncaer.com

National Ground Penetrating Radar Service, Inc.
8400 Normandale Lake Blvd, Suite 920
Bloomington, MN 55437
Contact: Jared Lampe
Phone: (952) 445-9040
Email: [email protected] 
Website: http://www.nationalgpr.com

OMNI Damage Prevention
Contact: A.J. Clark
Phone: 218-349-2078
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.omnidamageprevention.com

One Call Concepts
7223 Parkway Drive Suite 210
Hanover, MD 21076
Phone: 410-712-0082
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.occinc.com

Prairieland Utility Coordinating Committee (PUCC)
Contact: Conrad Bombardier
Email:  [email protected] 
Website:  http://pucc.korterra.com

Project Resources Group (PRG)
1900 Eastwood Road, Suite 16
Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403
Contact: Vince Fierimonte
Phone: (910)239-9230
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.prgus.com/solutions/outside-plant-damage

Rhino Marking & Protection Systems
4200 West Old Shakopee Road
Suite 103
Bloomington, MN 55437
Contact: Chris Thome
Phone: 952-428-7968
Email: [email protected]
Website: RhinoMarkers.com

Wills for Heroes
Phone: (612) 672-3493
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.mnbar.org/willsforheroes

County of Pipestone
416 S Hiawatha Ave.
Pipestone, MN 56164
Contact: Bill Folger
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (507) 825-6824
Website: www.co.pipestone.mn.us  

Hennepin County Sheriff Communications
9300 Naper St.
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Contact: Jim Backer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (612) 596-1957

Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55155-1899
Phone: (800) 657-3774
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/

Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety
444 Cedar St., Suite 147
St. Paul, MN 55101
Phone: (651) 201-7230
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.dps.state.mn.us/pipeline/index.html

This information is provided as a public service. Phone numbers are always changing, so please consult directory assistance for the most current phone number to the one call center in question.

Company Name (Some names are linked to websites) Phone Numbers
ALABAMA Alabama 811 (800) 292-8525 or (205) 252-4444
ALASKA Alaska Digline, Inc. (800) 478-3121 or (907) 278-3121
ARIZONA Arizona Blue Stake, Inc. (800) 782-5348 or (602) 263-1100
ARKANSAS Arkansas One Call (800) 482-8998 or (501) 336-8998
CALIFORNIA (North) Underground Service Alert North (800) 227-2600
CALIFORNIA (South) Underground Service Alert South (800) 227-2600 or (800) 422-4133
COLORADO Colorado 811 (800) 922-1987 or (800) 833-9417
CONNECTICUT Call Before You Dig (800) 922-4455 or (203) 281-5435
DELAWARE Miss Utility of Delmarva (800) 282-8555 or (800) 441-8355
D.C - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Miss Utility (800) 257-7777
FLORIDA Sunshine State One Call (800) 432-4770
GEORGIA Georgia 811 (800) 282-7411 or (770) 623-4344
HAWAII Hawaii One Call (800) 227-2600
IDAHO Dig Line (800) 342-1585 or (208) 342-1585
IDAHO (Kootenai County) Pass Word (800) 428-4950 or (208) 667-7491
IDAHO (Bonner/Boundry) Pass Word (800) 626-4950 or (800) 822-1974
IDAHO (Shoeshone-Benewah) Pass Word (800) 398-3285 or (208) 667-7491
ILLINOIS (Outside of Chicago) Julie, Inc. (800) 892-0123
ILLINOIS (Chicago) Digger - Chicago Utility Alert Network (312) 744-7000
INDIANA Indiana 811 (800) 382-5544 or (317) 842-8378
IOWA Iowa One Call (800) 292-8989 or (319) 322-2400
KANSAS Kansas One Call (800) DIG-SAFE or (316) 687-2470
 KENTUCKY Kentucky 811 (800) 752-6007 or (502) 266-5677
LOUISIANA LA One Call (800) 272-3020
 MAINE  Dig Safe (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
 MARYLAND (West of Chesapeake Bay)  Miss Utility of Maryland (800) 257-7777
MARYLAND (East of Chesapeake Bay) Miss Utility of Delmarva (800) 282-8555
 MASSACHUSETTS  Dig Safe System, Inc. (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
 MICHIGAN  Miss Dig System, Inc. (800) 482-7171 or (248) 647-7344
 MINNESOTA  Gopher State One Call (800) 252-1166 or (651) 454-0002
 MISSISSIPPI  Mississippi 811 (800) 227-6477 or (601) 362-4374
 MISSOURI  Missouri One Call System, Inc. (800) 344-7483 or (412) 415-5058
 MONTANA Montana One Call Center (800) 424-5555 or (800) 551-8344
MONTANA (Flathead and Lincoln Counties) Montana One Call Center (800) 551-8344
 NEBRASKA Nebraska 811 (800) 331-5666 or (402) 344-3565
NEVADA Underground Service Alert North (800) 227-2600
 NEW HAMPSHIRE  Dig Safe System, Inc. (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
 NEW JERSEY  New Jersey One Call (800) 272-1000 or (732) 394-3000
 NEW MEXICO  New Mexico One Call (800) 321-2537
 NEW YORK (North of 5 Boroughts)  Dig Safely New York (800) 962-7962
NEW YORK (5 Boroughs and Long Island) DigNet (800) 272-4480
NORTH CAROLINA  North Carolina 811 (800) 632-4949
NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota One Call (800) 795-0555
OHIO Ohio Utilities Protection Service (800) 362-2764
 OKLAHOMA  Call Okie (800) 522-6543 or (800) 654-8249
OREGON Oregon Utility Notification Center (800) 332-2344
 PENNSYLVANIA  Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc. (800) 242-1776 or (412) 464-7100
 RHODE ISLAND  Dig Safe System, Inc. (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
 SOUTH CAROLINA  South Carolina 811 (800) 922-0983 or (803) 939-1117
 SOUTH DAKOTA  South Dakota One Call (800) 781-7474 or (412) 415-5000
 TENNESSEE  Tennessee 811 (800) 351-1111 or (615) 367-1111
 TEXAS Lone Star 811 (800) 669-8344 or (713) 223-4567
TEXAS Texas811 (800) 344-8377
 UTAH  Blue Stakes Location Center (800) 662-4111 or (801) 532-5000
 VERMONT  Dig Safe - Vermont (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
VIRGINIA Miss Utility of Virginia (800) 552-7001
 WASHINGTON  Utility Notification Center (800) 332-2344 or (360) 696-4848
 WEST VIRGINIA  Miss Utility of West Virginia (800) 245-4848 or (412) 415-5065
 WISCONSIN  Diggers Hotline (800) 242-8511 or (414) 259-0676
WYOMING One-Call of Wyoming (800) 849-2476
 CANADA  Alberta: Alberta One-Call Location Corporation (800) 242-3447 or (403) 531-3700
 CANADA  British Columbia: BC One Call (800) 474-6886 or (604) 257-1940
CANADA Ontario: Ontario One Call Ltd. (800) 400-2255
 CANADA  Quebec: Info-Excavation (800) 663-9228 or (514) 286-9228
 AUSTRALIA  Melbourne One Call Service, Inc. 61 1100 or 1300 652 044
AUSTRALIA Perth One Call Service 61 1100
 AUSTRALIA  Sydney One Call Service, Inc. 61 1100 or 1800 642 006
AUSTRALIA Queensland Call Before You Dig Service 13 21 29
FINLAND Johtotieto Oy 011-358-09-271-1181
SCOTLAND Susiephone 800-800-333
REPUBLIC OF CHINA Dig Center, Directorate General of Telecommunications 02-351-2345


  • Dave HunstadChairProviding perspective from Municipalities Providing Utility Services +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Hutchinson Utilities Commission
    225 Michigan Street SE
    Hutchinson, MN 55350

  • Keith NovyVice ChairProviding perspective from the Natural Gas Distribution Industry +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    CenterPoint Energy
    501 West 61st St.
    Minneapolis, MN 55419

  • Tom HoffmanTreasurerProviding perspective from the Rural Electric Providers +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Agralite Electric Cooperative
    320 East Highway 12
    Benson, MN 56215

  • Ward WestphalSecretaryProviding perspective from the Excavation Industry +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    MP Technologies, LLC
    9938 State Hwy 55 NW
    Annandale, MN 55302

  • Jim SmithState Fire MarshalDirector, Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety +

    [email protected]

    Department of Public Safety
    445 Minnesota Street, Suite 147
    St. Paul, MN 55101-7248

  • Chris FryProviding perspective from the Telecommunications Industry +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    265 Lothenbach Ave. Floor 1
    West St. Paul, MN 55118

  • Phil LesnarProviding perspective from the Excavation Industry +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Northdale Construction
    9760 71st St. NE
    Albertville, MN 55301

  • Dan MuntheProviding perspective from the Pipeline Industry +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Alliance Pipeline
    6385 Old Shady Oak Road Suite 150
    Eden Prairie, MN 55344

  • Jason PoncianoVannguard Utility PartnersProviding perspective from the Locate industry Greater Minnesota. +

    [email protected]

  • Sam RichertXcel EnergyProviding perspective from the Energy Distribution Industry +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Xcel Energy
    825 Rice Street
    Saint Paul, MN 55117

  • Mark SellinSellin Brothers, Inc.Providing perspective from Excavation industry Greater Minnesota +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Sellin Brothers, Inc.
    1204 Hobart St.
    Hawley, MN 56549

  • Ray StarrProviding perspective from the Minnesota Department of Transportation +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    725 1500 W County Rd B2
    Roseville, MN 55113

  • Joe ThillDirector At Large +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    312 East 2nd St.
    Jordan, MN 55352

  • Ben WallaceUSICProviding perspective from the Locate industry. +

    [email protected]

  • Patrick WardenProviding perspective from the Landscaping Industry +

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Bachman's Floral, Gift & Garden
    6010 Lyndale Ave. S
    Minneapolis, MN 55419

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